

We Are Network Support

Pragmatic Guide to Self-Establishment

Create Your Own Adventure

Applied Learning Grounds

Anarchist Innovation Station

The Agora

☰ NavigationCaravanarchy

Network Support


The Greatest Adventure

The greatest adventure
Is what lies ahead,
Today and tomorrow,
Are yet to be said,
The chances the changes,
Are all yours to make,
The mold of your life,
Is in your hands to break,

The greatest adventure,
Is there if your bold,
Let go of the mood,
That life makes you old,
To measure the meaning,
Can make you delay,
You've got to stop thinking,
And wasting the day,

The man whos a dreamer,
And never takes leave,
Dreams of a world that is just make beleive,
Will never know passion,
Will never know pain,
One who sits by the window,
Will one day see rain

- J.R.R. Tolkien

Caravan Welcome Outpost

Hello, all who wander! We are here to show you something new.
All are welcome here who prove themsevlses responsible for respecting the person and property of others. This includes knowledge and adherence to the non-aggression principle, self-defnese princpiles, and the right of restitution for damages done except in the case of defensive force.
Let us show you around the caravan so you can get the lay of the land. Each of these coincides with a larger section further down on this page.

Caravan Intro

We are an outpost of the caravan and your first Voluntary Welcome Hub. We are specifically here to give you an introduction to the network through the lens of how we interact with all the vital aspects of the true and false realms.

The Caravan is embodied in a different way every day, suiting itself to fit the occasion and atmosphere. The layout of each region of this continent creates unique opportunities for Hub locations that can act as a base camp. A base camp exists for a month at a time, and from them the carvan is able to do it’s work. This caravan consists of a group of individuals who have chosen to, for any period of time, become involved in a win-win interaction with the hub, knowing that they create their own caravan at any time.

Each individual has their own unique self-led path that is a win-win situation. Me and Chris do voluntaryist missionary work while hosting a full time festival and marketplace which enables people to connect to the network.

The True Realm

Welcome to the Caravan Outpost. Here, you will find the Library of Anarchy, the Outer Realm Bazaar, the Admissions Desk, and the Voluntary Welcome Desk which is headed by the Caravan Aid Committee.

The entrance to the network’s Inner Realm is through Admissions. There are many ways to establish yourself as a trusted member of the network. You can go through a Network Host, join a caravan, or study the library to gain the knowledge required to pass through Admissions. Feel free to apply at any time.

The false realm most of us were born into does not operate in the way it ought to. There are countless lies we are raised reciting - such as that the government is helpful and the cops protect us. Lies like this have been projected like a veil over our eyes, blinding us to the truth of voluntary interactions and the possibility of a peaceful pluralistic society.

We call this the false realm, as opposed to the true realm. The True and False realms share the same physical space, and constitute different states of awareness and understanding of what is. For some, the true realm is what we already inhabit, although the veil has been pulled over others' eyes and ears, preventing them from seeing the full Truth. In order to facilitate the lifting of this veil, we are facilitating the growth of what we call the inter realm. The inter realm is the conduit between the old and new. We will clean the window that has been sullied and take back that which is ours to make in the correct fashion.

The rule here is very important: no rulers. Zero Aggression Principle. No coercion. There are many ways to explain this number one rule. The inner realm is protected because some things in life need to be protected. Risks are necessary, but we don’t need to risk everything. So we keep a certain amount of spaces private to people who have not expressed an understanding of our Network and the nonaggression principle.

We are not like other movements. We can not waste time on anything that does not honor and understand the scope of our network. We are not looking for ideas that would encompass and change the focus, as the focus is to liberate all people from slavery. We will exercise our right to remove ourselves from situations that do not represent our work. The outer realm is where we spend the majority of our time in the caravan.

Wherever the caravan goes is the inter realm. We are always traveling to outer city outposts and any other location with our bus, the signage doing much of the activism for us. This is all for people to understand that they have to translate their life into this place. It is not a way to escape a lack of meaning, but it is a path towards finding the best possible vocation and living situation.

Welcome Desk

Welcome Desks exist in various forms throughout the network. A welcome desk is any informed point of contact or location where you can obtain information on the local network and its affiliates and offerings.

Tavern Hall

This is an outdoor hall intended for community discussions, trade of information, and networking. We value conversation over other diversions and this is the place to discuss.

Inner Realm Bazaar

This is a market space for those who have proven themselves well-boundaried and knowledgeable of the non-aggression principle, self-defense principle, and the right of restitution for damages done except when done in self-defense.

The bazaar is the local manifestation of the marketplace that exists in some form or another in all locations of the network. Only those who have passed through admissions may buy or sell in this marketplace. The Bounty Board is the online version of this.

Outer Realm Bazaar

This is a space for transactions with individuals still attempting to prove themselves to be well-boundaried as described in the previous section.


This is a repository of information in the form of links to writings on agorism and voluntaryism. Here are links to essays and information on agorism, voluntaryism, and stateless society.

Admissions Portal

Here you can apply for admission to the inner realm.

A Day in The Life: Caravaneer

Levels Of Participation


  • Level 0: The Uninitiated

    People who don’t value freedom enough to allow others to peacefully coexist.
  • Level 1: The Outer Network

    People who are willing to trade and interact with our network.
  • Level 2: Trusted Network

    People who respect the non-aggression principle, self-defense principle, and refrain from advocating for or taking direct action toward the destruction or restriction of your freedom to peacefully conduct yourself and your property as a physical extension of yourself in this world which you (the owner) alone possess authority over.
  • Level 3: Preferred Network

    Those from level 2 who also prioritize interactions with those who aim to make freedom more accessible to others. Bonus if they can understand a way towards freedom from coercion in this lifetime.
  • Level 4: The Subnet

    A subnet, or subnetwork, is a network within a network. Those who seek to grow (in “magnitude”) and strengthen the subnet.
  • Level 5: The Active-Subnet

    Includes those in your subnet with whom you interact and communicate with on a regular basis. This is the inner-most circle.

Next Chapter: Start Here