

Who We Are

Our Philosophy

We Are Network Support

Applied Learning Grounds

You and the Network

Strategic Lifestyle Planning

Create Your Own Adventure

The Agora

Bounty Board




☰ NavigationCaravanarchy

Network Support

Who We Are
You and The Network
The Agora

The Network

Igniting the Engine

The Infrastructure for Freedom

Our model does not require capital to run. It is a framework that can be applied to help others better utilize their time and resources toward safeguarding freedom. What we need is not donations but people on the ground, explaining what is possible and available to us right now and also creating the next level of possibilities. This network will help those seeking protected free markets to transition from a state of surviving to one of thriving.

Eventually, the network will provide a place for everyone. This is a path away from everything unsatisfactory about their current way of living. Whether they want to learn a trade in an Guild, start their own Guild or profession, or just live free on land arbitrated by no ruler, there are countless reasons why choosing freedom for yourself is an obvious and beneficial path. Life can be easier, more profitable and there is more time in the day when the fruits of your productive energy aren’t being siphoned away into the wasteful and unethical games of politicians and well-meaning voters. Similarly, there is more incentive to work when you know your labor is going towards something that will support you more and more as time goes on. We will share more on that in the next chapter.


Igniting the Engine

Infrastructure for Freedom

Support Network 

The Perpetual Engine

Our Role

It Never Starts With Just One

A Vocation for Van-lifers

Our Mission

Other Goals

We are the Support Network. And we are igniting the engine. 

We are not creating the network. The network exists already, though small. The full potential of the network will manifest when it is given the right push and intention. Instead, you can see us as network support. We are devoting our entire lives and livelihoods to creating a stronger bond between those who are already constituting the network and encouraging a larger vision for how we can take on the needs of our dispersed freedom-supporting community members and markets in every way.

A peaceful society is possible based on a truly simple concept: that no man should aggress upon another or their property as an extension of their existence in this realm. All Guilds between individuals or groups must be voluntary and consensual. No person or group of persons should be given the freedom to aggress. Justice comes from restitution, so victims must be free to exact restitution from their aggressor(s). Individuals who are the targets of aggression should not be prevented from the exercise of defensive force in opposition. We recognize this as the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) paired with the Self-Defense Principle (SDP) and the Principle of Restitution (PoR). We can pave the way for an organic and voluntary society based on these precepts alone, but to do that requires more than just encouraging each person to spread a culture of voluntaryism in their current immediate surroundings. Even small communities of voluntaryists can not create a voluntaryist society in the larger world unless they share a larger vision for freedom beyond their own domain and take action to join and help create the network of protected free markets.

When you make your voluntary groupings, make sure to look at what is created. Are you producing more freedom for others beyond your circle? This is not an altruistic approach but promotes a realistic understanding of how each smaller group relies upon an interconnected network in order to survive. Not only does every group interact with the larger society in some large or small ways that affect their life and well-being outside of their control, but any one group cannot get all of their needs met by their individual members. You need to import products and services. To do this, you must expand your inner network to collaborate with others in your broader community who share in your desire to create safe and thriving free markets and establish protected and trusted trade and social networks.

We also understand that the stress of high mortgages and “taxes” (government extortion) makes wealth accumulation more difficult and that is why we are creating the infrastructure (the bounty board, helping to meet the needs of our network of individuals intent on protecting and supporting a free way of life) to create affordable housing and jobs that pay more while not extorting taxes from the people involved. Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds. Instead, we will select our allegiances based on the goal and vision of each individual.

The Perpetual Engine

Every organization or organism has parameters it is working to achieve and maintain. Another similarity between these two is that like an organism, the way an organization is formed and the mechanisms that bring it to life will determine the outcome it achieves in its environment.

This is why we have the engine. We are creating a bulletproof mechanism and strategy, so that even if large parts of it are destroyed, all it needs is one hearth, aka one wing of the network, to light up in some distant land and our engine is going again.

We do not need any one leg of the engine to survive continuously for the engine to roll on. Any single hearth can turn its engine on and off, but there will always be more engines firing and producing the change we need to move past the current binds we live under and into a realm of voluntaryism for all.

When we create certain additional criteria for our interactions in addition to the NAP (which already underlies all of our interactions) we assure that our interactions will make the largest impact possible in the community that supports us. 

We need a community to support us in these ways: security, backups, community, etc. The everyday society we have come to know is not providing for us in the ways we need, and we are being led to erroneously think ourselves powerless over our current state of mass-human-enslavement.

Having a protected community requires vigilance, decentralization, sound principles, and a plurality of voluntary strategies aimed at meeting needs.

Our Role

We are not the network itself, nor does it need us as individuals to materialize it. However, our caravan fills an important role.

A majority of the people we meet are interested in settling down on property and growing their own food. The logic in this endeavor is infinitely sound. However, one of the biggest struggles for farmers who have the desire to progress beyond their own sustenance and to make money doing what they love is finding the market for the goods and services they wish to provide - both outside and inside their farmstead.

Farming and producing goods are very desirable endeavors as opposed to making money from something unrelated to your efforts to exist in a healthy and positive way. It is hard to find new customers when farms are often hours from major cities, and the money they would have to spend on gas to drive and sell their goods can cut a sizable chunk out of their profits, not to mention taking time away from the tasks they must complete to keep the farm running.

As full-time nomads, the money we spend on gas is already subsidized by the sheer amount of goods we are bringing from one place to another. We make sure that every time we move, we are making money simply by moving: for example, we provide rideshare and package delivery to supplement our travels if there is a questionable business opportunity on the other end.

It Never Starts With Just One

We are often told that in order to create the change we want to see in the world, we have to start by changing ourselves. The reasoning goes that if we start having more positive interactions, those around us will also be empowered to have positive interactions. I think this is a good idea, but that it essentially disempowers those who adhere to it.

Most people I meet are already advanced enough spiritually and mentally that they know what it is to be a good person and can recognize a good interaction when they see it. We do not need to become spiritual gurus in order for the world to be affected by our goodness/light.

With the network (which we are not creating but are helping grow) our reasoning is similar but differs in a very important way. We believe that if you understand the non-agression principle, and its implications, including the self-defense principle, once introduced to it, you already have the necessary development to empower those around you.

We also believe that the infrastructure is not yet in place that would create a simple and effortless transition for you and those around you into a life adhering to this principle.

Therefore, we have created this framework in order to inspire you and those you communicate with. Hopefully, it will help you understand a new way of doing things. This plan will require a fair amount of people to change their tune in order to actualize the vision, but in reality, many are already doing what it takes to make this possible.

To say that you alone can make the change needed is unrealistic. Perhaps, if you already were surrounded by only empowered and flexible voluntarist, who were already spending their entire lives, trying to create an agorist counter economy, just being armed with this information could be all it took to mobilize yourself and those around you to start participating in a network that would change your lives and the entire world eventually.

However, most people exist within webs with others who do not see the same potential outcome of freedom for all. And who, usually out of fear, are not willing to make a big change to their life to help this reality come into existence.

If you are in this situation, I do not encourage you to try to change the minds of those who do not want to hear it. Instead, you should use this network to find those who are already on the same path that you are.

A Vocation for Van-lifers:

Currently, there is craigslist which provides basic search services for those wanting to buy or sell items. The bounty board is more complex and offers away for an individual to craft their own "job" out of providing for other people's weekly needs. Anyone who joins the network will be encouraged to post on the bounty board detailed descriptions of what goods and services they provide for themselves and purchase every week. These will be posted semi-anonymously on a map. From there, someone who is looking to start a new delivery route will be able to construct their delivery system based on the needs of those in their chosen area.

For example, if there were 10 people who would buy one dozen eggs per week but currently have to do it at the grocery store someone with a vehicle would be enabled to find a producer of eggs in the area who was able to produce 10 dozen eggs per week. If that person wasn’t already existent, the would-be egg deliverer could go to anyone and show them the demand, even gaining pre-orders from the people involved, and invest the small amount of money to get that delivery system up and running. People will be creating their own schedules, and negative experiences will be reported and dealt with seriously.

When we go to an area, we stay there for a month. People in our caravan network with others in the town and raise awareness of our marketplace. Staying a month ensures that someone just introduced to agorism will have time to gain familiarity with our presence and is more likely to find the time to come to our market, which can be hosted constantly if those in the caravan desire to host it full-time.

Our Mission

Do you believe in a society where all interactions are voluntary and consensual?

This book presents a path for every person towards a life that is more aligned with the expression of their true potential and desires. This book also serves as an introduction to a network that already exists in its formative levels and aims to soon provide clean, freedom-oriented alternatives for every need a person may have. 

This guide is to help you figure out your next move. It is full of plans of action and resources for collaboration. In every chapter, strategies are provided that can be used to meet most needs. The bounty board and social boards connect individuals with available resources. Without the leeching and constraint of the state, everyone can live a free and fulfilling life they can be proud of. This requires discipline, intention, and a willingness to adapt one's lifestyle toward bringing about a more free world for themselves and others. It will also require our continued vigilance in keeping our markets safe from aggressors.

We are cultivating a world of decentralized and interconnected voluntary relationships between equals; because that is the only possible just future. There is no free world in which force or coercion can persist unchecked, much less become institutionalized. Because of the concise nature of our plan, the outcome of this is going to be something more abundant than seems possible in these bleak times.

Those who participate will enjoy the bounty once-stolen from them by the State, while enjoying a market constantly on the lookout for aggressors. They will enjoy a higher standard of living not only concerning material wealth, but also in that of social wealth and resilience gained through intentional networking. Participation can be done on many levels, both overtly and covertly.

Part of our work is to make leaving the old and destructive ways smart, easy, fun, and cool.

In the current paradigm, we haven’t been able to take a positive approach because, with the options given, there are no viable paths forward in which we are still maintaining our morals. Because most problems arise from the systemic problems associated with government control, we have an answer or better way of framing for all questions and issues brought up by the past and current society.

You do not need to leave the city to become an agorist. The goal is to disconnect your income, housing, and expenditures from the beast. The Network aims to provide you with truly free-market alternatives to the taxed and regulated markets.

When you are clear with your boundaries and vision, you can create an intentional network that will free humanity forever. With your intention in mind, cultivate the network links that lead you toward your goal rather than relying on organic growth alone. It is about changing who you support - and offering incentives for people to change with whom they do business with.

We need to get the word out and not bend to fear! We can create the future we want, right now!

Other Goals: 

  • To bring a purely agorist way of living to people both stationary and nomadic.
  • To provide levels of involvement so that people can exit the system on their own timeline.
  • To provide an example of a functioning agorist business
  • To use our example to help people who want to introduce others to Voluntaryism and Agorism
  • To offer excitement and perspective with our real-world RPG concept
  • To connect people to resources and info in the alternate trading economy
  • To bolster supply and demand, enabling others to exit the system more quickly

Next Chapter: What is Voluntaryism?