

Who We Are

Our Philosophy

We Are Network Support

Applied Learning Grounds

You and the Network

Strategic Lifestyle Planning

Create Your Own Adventure

The Agora

Bounty Board




☰ NavigationCaravanarchy

Network Support

Who We Are
You and The Network
The Agora


Network Hosts

The quickest way to completely remove yourself from your current life or the restrictions therein is to sign up for a visit with an agorist host. Because our network employs Anarchy Plus, Agorist Hosts provide a particular type of visit because it is also an entryway into the next realm. You can choose your rate of involvement. After a trial period at a property, your application may be accepted to join a network host environment.

Network hosts agree on a set period where they will open a section of their property or home to a guest with the intent of helping that person find a better place in the network - be that through finding a new living situation, job, or other personal development.

Network hosts are not trying to get labor out of individuals. Their interest lies in introducing people to anarchy and the nonaggression principle while providing them with an opportunity that is consistent with what they desire. 

A Network Host does not desire only to arrange work trade situations but to direct people into the network and into Guilds.

Network Hosts may have a property they include in their hosting or they may meet with people at other spaces, like the caravan, etc.

Agorist Hosts

You can think of Agorist Hosts as what woofing could be if it gave back to the laborer. That combined with an introduction to the philosophies of pluralistic anarchy - all with the goal of being introduced futher into a Network of people who support eachother and have higher-level security culture than those who traverse the inter-realm.

For people who do not wish to be vetted in this way, you can also be vetted by someone at a welcome desk.

Next Chapter: Guilds