

Who We Are

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Network Support

Who We Are
You and The Network
The Agora

Freedom Prompts

... how free are you?

This is a self-assessment.

  • Who am I?
  • Why am I here?
  • What am I doing?

These questions are imperative to getting the most out of your existence. Have you designed your life to fit your identity and what you’re here to do? Here are more important questions to ask yourself:

Here are some more questions of self-reflection and self-change that you can go through to amplify yourself towards a more free (from government) and fulfilling life:

  • How can anarchy work?
  • What will constitute learning and growth?
  • In what ways are your actions making anarchy possible?
  • In what ways are your actions making slavery more comfortable for yourself and others?

Here are some more questions of self-reflection and self-change that you can go through to amplify yourself towards a more free (from government) and fulfilling life:

  • How often do you reflect upon your place and purpose in this lifetime?
  • Do you understand what your objective is in this realm?
  • How do you use what you have? aka time and attention
  • Are you furthering this objective with the way you live your life?
  • Where are you spending your money?
  • Is it going towards a network of individuals who value freedom?
  • How do you innovate your approach to building trust in relationships?

Relationship Maximization

Does your partner use their time to attain more freedom for both of you?

To what degree does your relationship empower you?

To what degree does your relationship hinder your freedom?

What do you get out of your relationship, freedom-wise?

Do you feel you are fully expressed?

Could your life be better? If so, how is your partner helping you?



Do you believe all actions should be voluntary (aka no force or coercion present)? Consensual between all?

Do you recognize property rights?

How do you define property?

What is the purpose of property?

Does your home or business support the state?

Do you want to make life better for others?

Life Goals

To what degree and in what ways do you have control of your life?

Do you create freedom for others and yourself daily?

Do your actions lead to a world freed from slavery?

Is most of your time spent as you would ideally want?

Are all of your interactions in line with your highest goal?

Is this how you would do your life ideally if you designed it?

Do you feel empowered to do what you are here to do?


Survive vs Thrive

Do you see a positive outcome for you in case of an emergency?

Do you have a feasible plan to execute this goal?

How much time will it take to reach your long-term prepping goals?

Backup Plan

Do you have a backup bug-out plan in case your first option fails?

Do you have a plan for getting to your safe location no matter where you are?

Do you have multiple sources of food and shelter in case of sabotage?

Can you survive on foot?

Do you have a trade for post-society? Or trade items?

Do you have a discrete “get-home” bag that does not make you a target?


Is Your Wealth Maximized?

Is your money being inflated?

Do you have backup currency to battle inflation?

What percentage of your paycheck goes towards government expenses and taxes?

Is your Spending Maximized?

Are your purchases supporting what you want?

Are your purchases supporting something that will support you in the long run?

Is Your Income Maximized?

Does your work empower you fully?

Are you paid enough for what you do?

Could you earn more if you had more control over aspects of your work/trade?

Would you be doing the same job if money wasn’t an issue? If you weren’t paid for it?

Could you be using your time better, either on the job or with more time for personal projects?

Does your work direct profit towards warlords or the enslavement of your fellow man?

Is this the way you would have ideally designed your income?

Do you have a side gig? Are you an entrepreneur?


Business Ethos

Do you minimize taxed transactions?

Do you prioritize interactions with those who don’t support the state?

Do you have a way of funneling people into agorist marketplaces? 

How prosperous is the future your business creates? What mark does it leave on the world and on others?

Business Income

What does your business lead to after you have taken care of your basic needs (not necessarily the business's needs because the business itself may be a leech on society if not formulated properly). Does your plan include an altruistic vision?

What is your business doing to advance freedom?

Next Chapter: Anarchy Degrees