

Who We Are

Our Philosophy

We Are Network Support

Applied Learning Grounds

You and the Network

Strategic Lifestyle Planning

Create Your Own Adventure

The Agora

Bounty Board




☰ NavigationCaravanarchy

Network Support

Who We Are
You and The Network
The Agora


Downfall of the Greats: 

Why movies are misleading

We may think we are immune to programming. Our favorite movies about fighting for a new world may have many good aspects, but there are also places where they all fall short of what is needed.

People might feel like they don’t have a lot of power and that they can’t do much. That isn't true, but what is true is that it's almost impossible to change the world without others to change the world with.

We need media that shows examples of how the current world is not hopeless and that shows real strategies of changing it for good.

The Matrix

To be continued...

The Matrix 4

To be continued...

V for Vendetta: 

Sets no example for how to effectively build resilient communities, and also says nothing about how there are no guns in England.


A character who has the most potential as a nomad is hindered by the profession she chooses to pursue. She was an individual paying her away on a ship yet for her job she spent her time in ways that were beneath her. 

Future Essays on Movies:

Future Essays on Anti-Anarchist Video Games:

Next Chapter: Consensual Conversation Table