

Who We Are

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Network Support

Who We Are
You and The Network
The Agora


New Lexicon

A new language, de-colonized

We need to have easily referenced, better versions of things and ways to say it.

We have a lot to leave behind. There are certain aspects of the current paradigm that have been holding us back. The effort to adopt a new paradigm can be aided by the addition of a new language and concepts to fill in the gaps.

Positive Self-Programming

We are inviting self-owned individuals (a.k.a. everyone ever) to only take what they can use from this guide. And to not forget the non-aggression principle which can protect you in the unsteady waters of an onslaught of questions made by statists that they are asking you to solve by having a moral imperative to harm none with your actions.

We are bringing the lore to the community. We are bringing the language. Things are overlapping and what I’m asking for from every interaction is the best possible awareness of what is possible if we all just worked together. 

We are providing 24-hour in-person support and a welcome desk in every city.

The True Realm - Filling out the Story

Our understanding of the world and who we are within it is everything. Are you one, or one of many? Are you a victim, or do you choose to tell a different story? Are you a being of unprecedented knowledge and power, with abilities you’ve yet to fathom? Are you telepathic?

The story of our past is important, but it is our future we have control over. However, if we don’t work together in certain ways, we will at best try to save ourselves while allowing the State to continue growing and eroding the freedom of ourselves and others.

There are many constraints we put upon ourselves based on our own perceived constraints, and this support network aims to remove one of the largest: the lie of the necessity or inevitability of the State.


New Lexicon

A New Language, Decolonized

Positive Self-Programming

The True Realm - Filling out the Story

Definitions of Terms:

Anarchy Verbiage

Test your principles: Where is your line?

Revisiting Restitution

State of Coercion

A Better Use of Resources

Voluntary Welcome Desks

Policing The Cops

ABC’s of the Alphabet Soup

Police State 

Love, Peace & Militia

Beyond Utopian Ideal Societies

Capitalism: what can we agree on?

Statist claim: Voluntaryism Has Never Been Tried

Use Case: Fixing Our Environment w/voluntaryism

Against Monetization Of Ideas

Definitions of Terms:


Politics is not anarchy. We do not consider ourselves to be “talking politics”.


There is a word for the current system we have in many places in the world. Crony capitalism. When many speak of a hate for “capitalism” they are often referring to consumerism, the love of money, or any other aspect of the current system. To call it capitalism is to mislabel the cause for contempt.

"I wanted to write a story that was an allegory or fable about modern capitalist society..." - Hwang Dong-hyuk, Director of 'Squid Games'

I think many, likely including the author of Squid Games, have thrust themselves into the middle of a war against their current social structure, but their attention and efforts are being directed against a social structure that doesn't exist. Thus, the social structure(s) *actually* oppressing us not only remain in tact, but GROW!

That's one thing that happens when people use words like "Capitalism" to refer to modern societies today that lack one or more of the fundamental prerequisites of Capitalism.


A good way to divide capitalist Voluntaryists from socialist Voluntaryists is where they draw the line with private property. Voluntaryists consider private property to be a valid form of ownership.

Anarchy Verbiage


A social philosophy that advocates creating a society in which all relations between people are voluntary exchanges by means of counter-economics, engaging with aspects of nonviolent revolution. Agorists believe that counter-economics (using black and gray markets, i.e. the underground untaxed economy) is the path to a free society.

Non-Aggression Principle

The NAP is a concept in which aggression, defined as initiating or threatening any forceful interference with either an individual or their property is inherently wrong.

Exit and Build

To escape the control of the ruling class and build our own resilient communities and networks that can contribute towards more and more of the population’s life and prosperity through voluntaryist exchange.


Theft by extortion. Nobody knows better than you how best to spend your money and even if they did, nobody has a higher claim over your property, wealth, etc, than you do. It is only the owner of a thing that has the right to dictate the terms of use of that thing.


Manufacturing Consent where it doesn’t exist. Voting, if it worked, would be forcing your opinion down another person’s throat.

Government Workers

They are net-extortion (“tax”) consumers, so they don’t pay taxes, they just receive less tax revenue. If there weren’t government workers, there would be private industry workers who would consist of many of the same people who are tax-funded today.

Test your principles: Where is your line?

Where do you start to think it’s okay to start enforcing your will on others?

If you ever have exceptions to your principal you have no principals. 

We give scenarios to explain Voluntaryism - Do you get to move the goalposts?


Revisiting Restitution

Restitution, not punishment. Punishment doesn’t bring any justice. 

The state extorts they don’t restore. It is one huge lie after another…


What’s the only animal with an ass on its back?

answer on top of page…

State of Coercion

If you are not a voluntaryist, you’re an involuntaryist. You believe that there should be some actions that should NOT be voluntary and consensual and that some people should have rights that others don’t.

A Better Use of Resources

Because we want life outside ourselves to get better, we believe all money should be going towards helping people become free of slavery, not lining the pockets of people who aren’t living the dream. This does not in any way mean people should not hoard money, use it for whatever they desire, etc. because those actions can help people become free of slavery as long as the money is spent outside of the false system.

After we have funded the infrastructure to make our camp, we want to offer a daily free festival and marketplace to welcome people who don’t have hundreds of dollars to spend to attend a weekend where they won’t even make a friend because it is not big enough to support those connections.

There are no more open forums where people can meet and discuss things and ideas can be presented with or without flair. The open, plural market would take care of these problems. Along with regulation, better private security and many other things.

Policing The Cops

We will create a list of instances of police brutality and do an analysis. Ask questions like: 

Give our notes on it, and give an update in a future article if there is a development in the case.

The Safest Place to Hide: Behind a Badge

“I don’t have any compassion for police. Some people have just come to such bad conclusions with what they did with their lives..they would need to apologize a lot. And denounce police and any form of legitimacy to the profession of “Government Police Officer”

Is being a cop a form of mental illness? It certainly is a symptom of mental illness. It means you’re involved in a violent gang.

ABC’s of the Alphabet Soup

Do we have sympathy for those who do not know there is another way? For those who think they can change it from the inside? The inside is immovable. With regards to government, the main function of it is not designed to change.

Police State 

As if violence doesn’t count when “the government” does it.

Some have a hard time divorcing the idea of police, firefighters and other government workers as being often good people with good intentions who don't all agree with all the laws they are told to enforce. But if fully functioning adults can reach an understanding of voluntary action, why don’t we ask people who choose to assert their laws onto others to have the same mental clarity? We draw a hard line with this just as we do with anyone who wants to use politics to undo politics - why waste your time? If you are ever asked to compromise your morals, and you do, have you not become someone you yourself would disagree with? 

The idea that the police will show upholds a different weight and implication for each individual, and in most moments, including the moments before the “legalized” force shows up at a location, there exists voluntaryism and it is only the beliefs of the individuals present that bind them to any “law” (politician’s opinions backed by force).

There is so much cognitive dissonance in the modern person's mind. They have to make up reasons why they can’t identify with you. So they have to project onto you that you are somehow scary or successful or something that they’re not. They have to “other” you.

Love, Peace & Militia

A call for the disarmament of the government -and a call to arms for the militia which is the people

When should you shoot someone? How does the threat of equalizing force (death) affect how you treat others? When you know your intended victim is likely to respond with immediate lethal force if necessary to defend themselves, you’re not going to choose them as your victim over someone who relies on others to meet their need for safety or protection. If you rely on others to defend you, that isn’t wrong, but you should take your personal responsibility to defend yourself seriously.

What is a militia?

It is the whole people. It is the body of the people.

“For a people who are free and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.” Thomas Jefferson

“Once a standing army is established in any country, the people lose their liberty.” - George Mason

“What is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty.” - Elbridge Gerry, 5th VP of US

Militia is a *DISTRIBUTED* force, which is a force that cannot be conquered. ESPECIALLY when young, so you teach them respect and responsibility regarding firearms. A polite society is an armed society. Mark Passio has a good talk on this.

Moral philosophy vs Political philosophy

I don't have to explain how anything will/would work. If you wish to use force or coercion against others, YOU have the burden-of-proof for why. I don't have to prove why I should not be robbed, raped, assaulted, kidnapped, etc.

What are Rights?

What is property (the right to exclude others from the use of a thing)? What is the purpose of property (reduce conflict over scarse resources).

Do you have the right to delegate a right to someone that you don’t have yourself

What gives someone a right?

If you do not have the right to do an action yourself, what gives you the right to elect someone to do it on your behalf?

What is Consent?

What is consent? What conditions must ALL be met for consent to exist?

- Consent must be revokable at any time

- Consent must be voluntary and given of free will, NOT under duress

- Consent must be informed. One can consent to something with the knowledge that they don't know everything they're getting into.

- Explicit dissent > implicit consent

- Fraudulant basis negates consent

Voting: An opinion with a gun/Comply or die

All laws are death threats because the state would always rather kill you than let you be free to successfully thwart their claim of authority. They are terrified of that, on some level.

I know lots of people who don’t vote. I used to vote, but now I see why it’s bad. 

The lesser of two evils argument: 

The worst evil is people still believing they have to be controlled my the government 

You're saying it's okay if you are gonna take advantage and start aggressing

Then you have no right to complain if they want to do the same thing back

Beyond Utopian Ideal Societies

There are a lot more things we can agree on in society than most people understand. Often, anarchists are brushed off as idealistic. As wanting to create something that has no means for purchase. Anarchists are not the only ones who want to see their ideals in the world. But anarchists do not push onto others their own ideals. They want to follow ideals that all can agree on, that allow people to organize naturally and logically by preference and need.

Many people like small government - they believe the government is needed for things like national defense, and these people are idealizing what is possible through government.

There are other popular ideals that apply to utopian scenarios. The desire to eradicate money.

Money itself is not evil.

Post Scarcity: 

Some want helpless people to be taken care of and the only way they can imagine to achieve that is through coercive taxes. Yet aren’t most people altruistic? We believe charity will continue to be a big priority for those people and that it will be hundreds of times more effective in an anarchist society. Trust your fellow man to fund important things that you can subscribe to without being forced to. With no mandatory, superfluous taxes, more money in pockets makes for more win-win.

Then there are people who want every person to have some kind of support system through the government because they believe that some people just can’t make it without that. And these people are underestimating what will happen after voluntaryism as well. There will be many more jobs for people and many more things to do to better your life.

In the future, there will be a point in time where what is called the “law” has no effect on how anyone acts at any point in time ever. The “state” would be seen as nothing more than a joke. And we are planning for that day.

Capitalism: what can we agree on?

Defining Capitalism:

Capitalism is a free-market economic system defined by the absence of the State in trade and industry, where businesses are privately owned and operated for profit.

We do not define Capitalism as a political system like most other definitions to eliminate the self-contradiction between a system absent State regulation, taxation, or interference while miraculously also involving politics (lol).

Profit and Barter

 Also, profit in this definition does not mean only or even necessarily have to do with money. If I traded an apple for a banana, I profited by one banana which I valued more than I valued the apple I traded for it, just as my trade partner profited by one apple in this same way or we wouldn’t have traded in the first place.

Other Definitions of Capitalism

There is a strong preference in some circles for describing capitalism as the cause of our current threats to humanity and the environment. As well as past atrocities against ethnic groups and individuals at large. This attribution is undeserved, however. The real issue causing such horrendous occurances is the current system, which inflates a fake dollar and kills under the guise of “government”.

Another misapplied explanation that capitalism means the love of money and the search for it at the expense of others. Nothing in capitalism excludes the ability for someone to seek damages against a violation of consent. 

Use Case: Fixing Our Environment w/Voluntaryism

The cure for environmental concerns is to allow citizens to choose to buy products that they support. Not to redo the packaging of food but to change how the packaging is done from the ground up. This is way easier achieved through agorist, free market exchange.

There is no reason why someone would be able to continuously wreak havoc on the environment without another equally equipped human being stopping them from achieving this task. Even if they are some kind of mastermind who changes identity, if someone wants them enough, they will have the means to find them. This is also because technology would look a lot different if it were really as free as it seemed like it was going to be when, for example, the internet came around.

‘Insuring’ the Continued Health of the World’s Air:

If we went door to door selling a product that insured air quality, we could fund air quality.

You start an air quality insurance company that promises to maintain air pollution standards of "x" ppm in exchange for a payout of 25,000

Against Monetization Of Ideas

Information to Better Others

All things that can help each other shall be freely given. If they have the will to learn, let them learn. And teach themselves. Let us give to the next system in every way we can so that it can deliver to us the protection we deserve.

Why money is good:

There is a need for some form of divisible currency. I cannot trade 40 sheep for one half of a car, if my car-selling friend wants some sheep. I cannot always make exact change in my trade. But can we handle that? Is the love of money the root of evil?

We don’t think so. But we understand the reasons why it may seem so. If you have no human purpose behind a project, it will not necessarily be human-positive. This restriction only applies to unnatural processes, however. Decentralized things like the free market do not mix well with intention and design.


“An anarchist who hasn’t yet run out of excuses.”

Minarchy Type: Georgism

Georgists believe land is a scarce resource and is the only thing that should be taxed. They propose a switching over of all lands to be reappropriated in this new way as each landowner passes away.

Common Anti-Anarchist arguments: 


What about the people who run the businesses that keep this country afloat? As long as they provide a reasonable alternative to how they run things now with government involvement, they should be fine.

Statist claim: Voluntaryism Has Never Been Tried a.k.a. “There Are no Historical Examples of Voluntaryism”

Answer Here

Statist claim: Voluntaryism is Chaos

Answer Here

Statist Query: But Who Will Build the Roads?

Answer Here

National Defense

Inter-govt: Usually there would be a state that is the target of an attack. 

How will we be diplomatic with other countries?

We will tell them what we are doing and get the world on our side.

2nd amendment, swarm like bees,

Private Security

War is expensive

Rising up of Militias

Would not one militia rise up and eventually overthrow the others?

What has voluntaryism looked like in action?

The moral philosophy of voluntaryism does not need to posit a working solution for how the world would look without a government. But there are many resources on times past and present where voluntaryism has existed or exists.

Our idea of the next world: A nonfiction world where humans have the powers they are born with - self-ownership, empathy, health, critical thinking, etc.

“I’m a voluntaryist. But I reserve the right to self-defense - and I will take away your ‘free will’ choice to do something that harms another person.” - Anon

Next Chapter: Socially Perpetuated Self Encagement