

We Are Network Support

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Network Support


A Plan That Cannot Fail

Our network does not require any outside influence to flourish and grow.

Like a hydra, one head can be chopped off and more will grow.

Neither will economic downturn affect our network.

For it is built on ideas, not bets against a dying system.

The likelihood of a proposal’s success or failure lies in its definition and terms. Because the network is a system of ideas that can be recreated by anyone who has heard the methodology, our proposal is one that requires no money and no one person or group to bring it through to completion. All that is needed is a simple redirection of attention and resources away from what is unsavory and towards a network that will truly provide for us.

An idea cannot fail when its success does not rely on monetary achievement, any one person attaining notoriety for a project, or the first iteration of the project to see the goal to completion. Different projects have failed due to definition alone. If the definition of success is that one location persists or that one group of people survives, the plan is not great enough.

Anyone in the next 100 years could find this set of instructions and re-create what we are doing now. But there will be no need to start from scratch. As soon as the number of people are proliferating the ideas contained herein, there will be more aversions and more resiliency because of them. We do not need to be attributed to the version that succeeds. We will always only be one group who saw what was possible. I made sure to write down our ideas as we lived them out.

Your work should be designed so that you want it to be stolen. Through replication grows notoriety. More people exposed means more people knowing it exists at all. If one person's desire for recognition, for ownership of an idea, an entire project can fail to launch. Our plan is, among other things, to spread to all people the recognition of what is possible and what is lacking in the current narrative. This will make it easier to take responsibility for ones own narrative outlook that they ultimately share with the world.

This is the workbook for how the world succeeds when enough of us choose to do so. 


A Plan That Cannot Fail
Bring Everyone Along 
The Current Lies
Current Limiting Structural Beliefs
When All Actions Lead Towards Freedom
Business and Ethics
Interaction Receipts
Creating Free Spaces: Crowdfunding and Charity
Network Hosts
Trade and Barter
The Supply and Demand Issue
Free Market Solutions
Value Exchanges
Don’t have the cash to diversify?
When you give a statist Silver/Gold // Turning Statists into Unwitting Economic Agorists
Value Preservation (beyond gardening)
ATA: Join the Agorist Traders Association

Join us in our journey to defund the state through counter-economics.

We don’t need to convert anyone to our cause. There are enough people already comitted to liberty. All we need is to provide all those liberty-loving people more opportunities to work together so that all of their wealth and time can be channeled into more wealth for them.

We can all imagine ways that a limited number of people could take down the beast. For example, if all liberty minded individuals refused to pay taxes, and it became a well known movement, then there is a good probability that the news would become viral and enough people would join in this endeavor to defund the governemnt. There are also easy ideas for how to operate as a society beyond this defunding - coordinating with your friends and neighbors to show up as a group to the scene of a dispute or incident is a great example. This is also the concept of militia. Strong ubiquitous self-defense is how we will defend ourselves against foreign or domestic threats. We are providing and helping to provide whatever extra support systems are needed to get the solution going and to normalize the conversations around the new lexicon of reality and the idea of having no overarching government.

Bring Everyone Along 

We want the option of freedom for all. Coersion is something that affects all aspects of our lives. We can run away into the woods and wait for the laws and society to come out and reach us there, or we can take actions to make sure the larger social structure in which we exist becomes less coersive to us over time. If your plan doesn’t bring more freedom to the greater world you live within as well as to your private world, you are not on the wrong path; but we want to help expand your personal vision so that you can coexist in a network with other like-minded individuals. We are adding resources and connecting people to resources that aren’t easily attainable in this current world. We believe it is easy to add a truly altruistic component to freedom when an option is offered that is competitive and readily available. For too long we have been oppressed by a government that does not serve us.

All of us have questions such as: Why can’t my loved ones find a community that provides for them instead of depleting them? Why can’t we find affordable local food that doesn’t fund the state? We have the answers for these questions. The State itself is unnecessary, and without it, we would be able to live as makes sense. 

Many have the option to move out of the toxic cities, get food from local sources, and protect themselves far beyond the usual defenses such as pepper spray and a cell phone. However, some can’t leave the statist parts of their lives as easily based on personal or family health conditions, child custody issues, or other obligations. This will not always be the case, however. There will be agorist solutions to all of these issues. The more resilient and fail-proof our networks are, the harder it will be for those in control to restrict our actions. There will be more and more options available and nobody can predict how amazing it will turn out.

The Current Lies

Institutions that initiate or threaten to initiate force against the person or property of others have no right to exist. Therefore, the authority-based power structures that call themselves “The State” have no right to exist. (they should not exist and are not necessary for any positive paradigm shifts from now on) //

These institutions would have never gained power if not for murder, lies, and deception. The only strategy they utilize to solve problems is the use and threat of violence. There is no argument for authority that makes sense because we are all equal in rights and none can possess extra rights to do things that are wrong for others to do. //For something to be a moral principle, it must be universally applicable. This is the universal ethic axiom, otherwise it’s not really an ethic. It is always wrong to initiate or threaten to initiate force against the person or property of other peaceful people.

Current Limiting Structural Beliefs

There is a perception held by some that there is little opportunity for those who desire autonomy and freedom. And this is both true and not true. Currently, many things are in the way of people doing what they would do otherwise. 

There are laws that restrict these things, and people’s fears are valid. We don’t need people to be breaking the law on their own. We need to make safer decisions.

The main thing that we are not seeing in the literature available today is many people talking about the power that we have right now as a group of millions of individuals or even hundreds of thousands who understand what needs to be done and how easy it will be to free the rest of the world from slavery by government. 

We see the possibility that comes with each person. There is so much more possibility for each person who understands the network, but when you add certain constraints, you can yield very potent results. Those who want to participate in these constraints are considered to be part of the ‘engine’. For those outside of the engine, there is much more we can connect on (human sovereignty) than what divides us. 

When All Actions Lead Towards Freedom

When you begin to think in terms of the real world and what is possible when people are free to act as they want, you can begin to see the value that would be kept in the family if we made more decisions that favored people who knew how to direct their actions toward building a strong network that will take care of us when we were in trouble.

For example, the network we are working on opposes the idea of keeping a job that funds the state when there are jobs available to you that don’t. That’s why we are working to expand the number of jobs available within the network that meet these criteria: they do not fund the state or people who fund the state. Eventually, this will look like all participants in all transactions not funding the state with their shelter, job, food, or leisure activities.

Business and Ethics:

The confrontation: where does your business lead after you have taken care of your basic needs (not necessarily the business needs because a business can be a net negative if it is not formulated properly. Basically, did your business plan include an altruistic vision?

The second question: Where are you spending your money? Is it going towards a network that will help you or towards a system that will hurt you?

Businesses can be human-centric. You can make a product that helps people. But it needs to organize itself in a dynamic, fluid way. And it also needs a human. In itself, a business can have built into it a philosophy and methodology that makes sure it does not become a negative entity, but it needs humans to enforce that methodology and make sure it is reflective of the outside world. What is the machine that is created? Can you pay them in silver?

Interaction Receipts

Receipts are proof of interactions that have taken place. A receipt could be created by any interaction between two people, but the quality of the receipt is determined by its vision and scope. Those involved in the interaction will sign off on a description of what took place during this interaction and can add more context in the future upon the agreement of both parties. Work that is completed can use an hourly or interaction receipt. It fulfills certain requirements in the moment, but can also be expanded upon in the future. For example, by being present again and again, and gaining a receipt for each instance, you build trust in others that you will be present more in the future. Receipts do not go away. The achievements they detail usually only get expanded upon, unless there is a dispute. If you’re working towards a career, you can build receipts that will count simultaneously towards many things in the future.

Creating Free Spaces: Crowdfunding and Charity

People value knowing there is a safety net for the poor. Both for people they care about, people who might otherwise hurt them, or for their own sake if they do see a potential for misfortune. The problem is, we all know how easy it would be to solve the issue of homelessness but doing that is often expensive or illegal. We need connections and strength to get more connections and strength. Supply and demand will not provide the market quickly enough until we provide more goods at a cheaper time. We also understand that the stress of high rent and mortgages makes it hard and that is why we are providing affordable housing and jobs that pay more due to not going through the system. 

Crowdfunding can purchase properties to be divided up and can purchase properties that will be used by people who don't currently desire to own their own plots. Similarly, equipment to meet farming or housing needs can be funded like a CSA - you pay upfront and then get your money back and then some when the product is finished.

Network Hosts

The quickest way to completely remove yourself from your current life or the restrictions therein is to sign up for a visit with an agorist host. Because our network employs Voluntaryism Plus, Agorist Hosts provide a particular type of visit because it is also an entryway into the next realm. You can choose your rate of involvement. After a trial period at a property, your application may be accepted to join a network host environment.

Network hosts agree on a set period where they will open a section of their property or home to a guest with the intent of helping that person find a better place in the network - be that through finding a new living situation, job, or other personal development.

Network hosts are not trying to get labor out of individuals. Their interest lies in introducing people to Voluntaryism and the nonaggression principle while providing them with an opportunity that is consistent with what they desire. 

A Network Host does not desire only to arrange work trade situations but to direct people into the network and into associations. Network Hosts may have a property they include in their hosting or they may meet with people at other spaces, like the caravan, etc.

Want to be a Network Host? For a self-prescribed period of time, you provide services like water, food, shelter, information, 

Trade & Barter

The establishment of a strong network of trade is one of if not THE most critical elements to an effective and resilient operation.

The supply and demand issue

So many of the best people are hidden away from outsiders, or hiding from their own morals by producing wealth and intel for the state. There are real reasons for any person in this era to fear retribution from the state if they do business outside of the regulatory and “tax” or extortion system. That’s why we need to start offering an alternative option for people to choose that doesn’t single them out individually but instead provides logical reasons to feel secure against the threat of the state.

When there is no network strong enough to support someone they are less likely to take actions they see as dangerous. Similarly, when there is no certainty that there will be a market for someone’s farm goods, they won’t necessarily have the resources to expand for the risk of having food they can’t sell. 

The same issue arises for consumers of agorist goods. Agorist goods are always cheaper on the conscious than those that fund extortion, but that does not mean they are cheap enough for many to afford in day-to-day life. Additionally, agorist consumers do not find the supply for their own needs to be consistent, varied, or crowd-tested. There can be a lack of options that leads to an unfair market price. 

We are filling in that gap in supply with dedication and our own manpower. More importantly, the gap is being filled by local people in their own communities. We are simply enabling those interactions. There is much more wealth to be grown in our network than is currently being distributed within it. If the demand is no longer there for local goods in an area, that should not restrict someone from growing a crop or offering something. The caravan and individual people will fill in the network just as semi trucks do today for larger companies.

The concept of supply and demand implies that in a free market, producers will produce goods they can sell for profit. But if there aren’t enough customers for a product and not enough publicity, the producer will have no reason to try and provide goods for a market there. Just as someone would desire a carbon tax upon behaviors that could damage the environment, we are advocating a “government footprint statistic” to be observed and self-regulated among our associates.

Free Market Solutions

It is important to define capitalism because the word has been used to divide us. But it is not irreparable that people now take Capitalism to mean the love of money - it is still important to describe the effects of greed with no accountability for the human or environmental cost. It is true that there is nothing worse than an action that hurts another person knowingly on behalf of personal profit.

Most who use the word capitalist to describe themselves would say that Capitalism is not greed, in fact, but something truly healing to society which we do not have the chance to observe today.

Free market capitalism would still allow for all current safety precautions for example the creation of a myriad of restrictions and certifications that products could voluntarily subject themselves to in order to achieve higher customer satisfaction.

When we let people handle things for themselves, they are able to choose the life they want to live.

They say that a better future starts with an internal change - that you start with yourself to make the world a better place. But I think that's a bit too small-minded. Let's all expand our ideas of what's possible.

So we might be judged for letting other people in. For posting in unsafe online venues. But we need to get the word out and not bend to fear! We can create the future we want, right now! The way forward is described in these pages…..

This entire endeavor is focused on real solutions for pulling anarchists out of the cities and placing them in the situations they need, regardless of the resources or money they have amassed as of yet in the zombie system.

Value Exchanges

How do you innovate your approach to building trust in relationships?

Trust is essential for effective networking. It is the foundation of functional relationships.

The last thing freedom-oriented individuals need is to think they have to work 8-hour days at a business that is not doing anything to create anarchy in this lifetime, right now. When we meet an anarchist, we don’t try to direct them towards labor but towards intellectual understandings of how to create anarchy in this lifetime. Wealth gained is more useful when it is not being bled out towards the state.


Have more than you can sell? Having difficulty finding customers? If your goal at any given moment is to gain a store of value such as gold, silver, or cash from a potential customer, then you must have something they are willing to trade you for. The larger your variety of agorist products, the higher your chance is that you’ll have a product someone you encounter will want.

When attempting to sell cannabis wax on the streets of Oakland, my prospective customers would inform me of the products they would be willing to trade for if not the wax I had available. Many would ask for flower, or some other substance of preference I didn’t have to offer - and I missed the sale as a result. My goal was to support the grey and black market by offering products produced and sold by individuals seeking to be free from extortion and regulation, but I lacked sufficient variety to sell more than the one product I had available.

Don’t have the cash to diversify?

If you already have an established network of trade and barter and the products you trade have a long-term store-of-value sufficient to easily sell the product before it loses value, then you can “front” (give a portion of your product to someone you trust, usually at a discounted rate, in exchange for a portion of theirs. In this way, you both have more products to offer customers, and you are able to sell one-another’s goods in a variety of untapped markets. The power this affords participants (traders) is to make them into economic power-houses, far more capable than your average person at getting wealth from a given passer-by in exchange for a good.

When you give a statist Silver/Gold // Turning Statists into Unwitting Economic Agorists

Buying items with gold or silver from a statist puts them in a position of having an item they are VERY unlikely to ever give the State. In effect, you make a statist into an economic anarchist.

Value Preservation (beyond gardening)

Canning, Dehydrating, Freeze-drying, root cellars, precious metals, freezers, etc can all be used to give a trader more time to sell their goods or services.

If I have more freezer space, I am able to accept and preserve a wider variety of consumable and sellable items. If a customer has more freezer space, they are more able to accept a larger amount of beef (for example), which ultimately saves them a lot of money. Morgan and I, for example, don’t consider ourselves able to afford to purchase beef in quantities less than 1/4 or 1/2 a cow because we now have the freezer space to store it, so we can always buy our meat in bulk which affords us both personal nutrition and a constant product we make available for trade to others.

ATA: Join the Agorist Traders Association

A society can be achieved that is utopian voluntarily in this way:

A free market exists. People are getting their needs met and we are experiencing the real return of our labor and technological advancements.

A society forms which is doing away with all forms of toiling that aren’t done freely out of passion.

That society grows and more people see the good things about it. It develops as it grows and learns to accommodate larger amounts of people, breaking down into local groups that can choose their own ways.

That society voluntarily replaces the current form of society because it provides better than what came before.