There will be an exchange of people
Everyone has to have an understanding of the larger network and the potential we have in this lifetime to create total anarchy
The goal is to direct people away from us who are not working towards the ideal as fully.
So they can have their own thing, but we won't be directing our manpower towards them preferentially.
In this way, we direct our energy and attention away from those who are not trying to help others.
Time and Energy Boundaries
How many ideals do we want them to share? You can decide how close you allow people based on their values but there is only one general value we require and that is the non-agression principle.
It is important to value the perspectives of those who have seen much, as they may see some risk others would not.
We need to have people who we are bringing around and helping exclusively. Meaning when I give my mana and time to someone, I want it to be worth it. If my friends would accept that we could accept another person into our circle...
How to join forces
How to join everything together
How to break through
If you don’t have your own life on the convoy, you might try to control others' lives. Therefore, we all have our own life. We don’t look for monetary help or a customer in our friend or neighbor.
The best way to help someone make a positive change as perceived by them and not your bias would be to get to know them as friends, and then figure out what they really want, and then see how what they're saying relates to that thing they want. If you're not being evil, you will come out successfully.
The way that you can avoid the most heartache is to be completely honest and to both be trying to make sure the other gets what they deserve fully. And is involved in that process. In concept and in goal. As my friend, you want me to find the perfect person for myself, and that you are interested in understanding how that is.
My conception of friendship: You have to make sure you know the other is a good person in your eyes.
It's so important to share importance with the people you're around, unless they are bringing you down.
We need each other to survive and be happy. But we don’t need to live so close that we’re suffocating. But living too far removed from one another is way worse than that.
It’s good to be in contact with people consistently. Seeing their true nature, you can start honing in on the people on your side.
The correct relationship between self-sufficiency and
The first step of becoming safe with another, in this day and age, is being able to trust their usage of their phone.
“Are you addicted to your phone” Is an ironic question. If you were addicted to a tool, you would become massively productive unless you misused the tool and wasted your time with it. But if you are asking someone this question, you are probably referencing a hidden, ignored reality, which is that the person is mousing their phone and their time on the planet.
What has been tried?
What is bound to succeed?
A community is bound to fail eventually if its building plan allows for failure. Our plan is resilient in these ways:
It is an idea. It does not need to have a concrete example to be potent. Someone can pick up a book on it at any time and recreate what we are doing.
Spotlight: Osho
If someone thinks that reality is something it is not, what is that called? Cognitive dissonance? When you think that living on the road is undignified, just know that on the days I do hear cars scream by, or airplanes because I am visiting a populated area, I remind myself that I have none of the concerns I had when I was stationary. No rent to pt and no way for a person being able to target me based on my home address.
Building Bridges
you need to focus on their position
The best possible configuration is that the person sees and appreciates what we are trying to do for people, including him.
If one sees the value in living free with us, he will see how to fit in nicely once we've talked more.
For example, the best possible way he could help us would be to know why we were valuable and use his network to get more people doing and supporting what our non-business model is. He would be helping us protect ourselves.
We're not trying to prove ourselves to any group
Get people's respect first. Then mention Voluntaryism. Because if you're interesting enough, and it's what you're into, then they might do well to
Act in a certain way that is recognizable and easily understood. Create an internal culture.
Be open to asking what their group is about. Then state your own relationship to the concept in terms of your greater context. State your concerns about the matter
Make sure they feel identified with the name or intent of the group before associating them with the group.
Understand that everyone is a free agent.
Don't assume the members are smarter than you.
Don't think of the group as something you're applying for... the group is applying for you.
It's a two-way thing, a group is getting something from you being with them.
If there's an imbalance, and someone doesn't seem to be adding anything to the group, they are probably a mismatch and should be redirected toward something they are passionate about.
What triggered them to wake up
What information was presented
Have you gotten someone to switch over?
Questions For Everyone:
What are things you don't like about the state?
Do you think you should have to pay for that?
What if people have thoughts that could be dangerous?
Where do you draw the line where someone would interfere
Think things that you don't think they should be thinking.