There will be voluntary structures that benefit people in different trades. They will be organic, but our network favors those which adhere to certain principles. These are associations. We divide these into two tiers which, between the two, provide opportunities for growth in a myriad of modalities. If you can’t find the association you want, you can be the one to create the next great association.
Associations provide members with access to benefits, such as exclusive job/bounty access
Inner associations fulfill a number of requirements which other associations do not necessarily follow. They must allow for learning and movement.
An association is organized by those within the association. They are decided by unanimous consent by default. That can change but as such the status of the association might shift. All associations, inner and outer, must adhere to the nonaggression principle and seek to attain higher levels of anarchy in all interactions and transactions.
Inner Associations will have form in that they accommodate people who are of these groups:
If an association by unanimous consent decides to not adhere to one of the core principles, but still desires to adhere to the nonaggression principle and conduct trade with other anarchists, they may be considered an outer association.
The labor people complete can lead them into Associations.
Determine: How far have you walked down the path. How far can you speak the language.
Gets discounts on goods or services.
Secret chats
More customers
To enter tier 1, complete 10 hours of labor and pass the test. Then 100 hours until tier 2.
To enter tier two, there are certain core achievements one attains, alongside any achievements their association may consider tier one minimum achievements.
Barter with other mechanics
Opportunities we need skill for vs something you can be new to
Association Information Specialist
Association Placement Support
Association Starters Support
Intra-Association Relations
Dispatcher / Communications Coordinator
Private Land Host for
Individuals and Groups
Workshop Host for
Individuals and Groups
Land Stewards for Properties
Association Information Specialist
In-Association Placement Support
Working Instructor
Master/High-Level Faculty
Association Store Owner / Tender
Resource Creation
Tool Creation
Equipment Upkeep
Tool / Materials Sourcing
Media Crew
Association-Specific Bounty Bringing
Private Land Host for Individuals/Groups
Workshop Host for Individuals/Groups
Land Stewards for Association Owned Properties
Security for Association
Locations Acquisition and Host Management
Association Needs
Association Events
Emergency Preparedness Association Representative
Member Recruitment
Association Member Needs
To Other Associations
To General Public
From other Associations
Architects, Stone Layers, Road Makers, Plumbers Association, Carpenters Association, Electricians Association, Bushcraft Structures, Aircrete, Alternative materials and methods.
Connection Games, Counseling, Conflict Resolution
Car Mechanics, Bicycle Mechanics, Computer Mechanics, Software Engineers
Filmmakers, Writers, Philosophy
Metalworkers, Woodworkers, Glassblowers, 3D Printers, Gunsmiths, Reloaders, Recyclers, Welders
First Responders, Counter Intelligence Association
Ranged, Melee, Weapons, Armor, Tactics, Security
Farming, Livestock, Permaculture