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Downfall of the Greats: 

Why movies are misleading

We may think we are immune to programming. But the most insidious lie is the reality that is left out of movies and misdirected away from - it becomes uncool or scary and as a result, we have become culturally blind to anarchy.

People might feel like they don’t have a lot of power and that they can’t do much. But they can, it just takes a willingness to hold themselves to the standards. They have the power to be gods and should start doing so.

The Matrix

People say that the matrix is an allegory for life, but what is the implication of this? It is either that the world we are living in right now is not the real world and that we should seek an end to our existence in this world to begin a life in another more real world. Which sounds like Buddhism. Christianity with its heaven, or even nihilism.

The other possible implication would be that the matrix is a metaphor for humanity being plugged into technology like their phones and the Internet. That could potentially imply that any involvement in industrial society is involvement in the matrix, or more realistically that any government-sanctioned institutions are creating a matrix-like existence for many who do not realize they are in the world manufactured down to their very consent.

Technology will not be our downfall. There are technologists on both sides of the fight.

V for Vendetta: 

Sets no example for how to effectively build resilient communities, and also says nothing about how there are no guns in England.


It’s a character who has the most potential as a nomad is nerfed in the profession she chooses to pursue. She was an individual paying her away on a ship yet for her job she spent her time in ways that were beneath her. 

In the Star Trek universe, who or what would be most analogous to voluntaryists? Would they be disgruntled with "the system" Starship-engineers or "smugglers"? Would they be heavily-armed freedom-defending Space-Gangs that the empire falsely accuses of "privacy/piracy?"

Future Essays on Movies:

Future Essays on Anti-Anarchist Video Games: