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Anarchy Degrees

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.

The best way to take down the state is to live your life as an act of rebellion. Agorism has been around as long as humanity has. This is a guide to look at your life choices through that lens.

Agorism is a free-market anarchist philosophy that advocates achieving freedom through nonviolent and peaceful black market and grey market economics. This philosophy has been around for as long as humanity has existed. Agorist degrees help you look at your life choices through the lens of agorism. They are a self-assessment tool designed to help those in the network map out the options they have when it comes to unplugging themselves from the coercive system, or being part of the movement to create alternatives to the coercive Statist paradigm. Think of it as an anarchist version of a New Year’s resolution list.

This does not prescribe any specific action. We have suggestions here and more information in other publications on how you can achieve your goals without changing every single aspect of your life. 

The main question we are focused on is: Are you living your life in a way that, should others follow your example, would eventually lead to the abolishment of the slavery that is government?

A Path Forward

We only need a certain amount of people to change their actions to defund the state and to create, fund, and help grow agorist alternatives. You can create spaces of freedom in the world today!

We are encouraging people to assess themselves on several areas of their life. They can use these pages, if they choose, to do a self assessment on several areas of their choice. This can be used to create a ‘star plot’ or graph resembling a web on which they are or ought to be spending their energy. 

If our energy is being put towards endeavors that do not create lasting results in our lives, we need to explore options that better suit our needs and desires. Most people don’t have the means currently to live the exact calling they feel they are here to do, or even utilize what they imagine would be the most effective use of their time and energy. However, agorism provides a much greater chance of success with these desires.

This guide is a way for those who participate in the assessment to notate what they have achieved so far and to brainstorm actionable ways to achieve more in the future.


Goal: Increase your level. 

Personal Degrees






Property/Household Degrees





Community Degrees





Transaction Degrees

With an Anarchist

With a Non-Anarchist

Choose Your Areas of Achievement

You can formulate an achievement map, or ‘star plot’ by choosing five or more areas that you want to work to develop at this time. You can choose these from the reference page titled Major Areas of Achievement or create your own.

Here are some examples of Major Areas of Achievement:


Spiritual Growth





The next step is to look at the reference ranking systems and decide what level you would say you have already achieved. This is just a personal assessment, and there are no right answers. For example, you may have achieved:

Write your current levels in the areas you have chosen in the outlined title boxes on your Areas Of Development page. Now, for each of your 6 areas, create your own ‘steps to achievement’. This is a list of 3-5 steps you can take forward in each chosen Major Area of your life. Reference the Minor Achievements Page, or make your own. Choose achievements that you are excited to reach! Then, order them in any loose logical progression. Fill these out under each header box of your Areas Of Development page. For example:

Networking Level 3:

  1. Actively works to bring awareness of real solutions to others.
  2. Promotes anarchist meetups and reminds people of them.
  3. Employs another anarchist.

Use these ordered lists of goals to create your web, noting what level you are starting from as well as what level you are hoping to achieve.

Individual Degrees


  1. Entrenched in the state: Rent goes to those who support the state in the end.
  2. x
  3. x
  4. Pays rent without taxes
  5. Pays rent to agorist landlord
  6. Is nomadic/their own landlord



  1. Entrenched in the state: Supports the state in the end
  2. Learning Agorism: Some actions support agorism.
  3. Buys agorist products
  4. Creates agorist products
  5. Merchant: Trades and barters regularly on the agorist market where NAP-compliant.
  6. Employs another anarchist
  7. Employs anarchists in an off-the-books business that promotes anarchy.
  8. Saboteur: Businesses only drain the state, no longer supporting it.


  1. Entrenched in the state: Buys food and all needs at stores.
  2. Produce product that you can trade for food
  3. Have or have access to a reliable garden in which to grow food
  4. Grow/hunt enough of your own food to sustain in an emergency
  5. Serious Prepper: Have an off grid way to sustain yourself (1+ years).
  6. Sage: You have all this and a backup plan.
  7. Sage with allies


  1. Entrenched in the state: Supports the state in the end
  2. Knows other anarchists
  3. Goes to anarchist meetups
  4. Promotes anarchist meetups and reminds people.
  5. Innovator: Hosts anarchist meetups/Highly involved in the agorist community.
  6. Creates new anarchist meetups in anarchically-undeveloped areas.


  1. Entrenched in the state: Believes there is no hope / supports the state.
  2. Sees way out of the system in this lifetime
  3. Dedicated Voluntaryist: Spreads the word (voluntaryist philosophy) actively.
  4. Actively works to bring awareness of real solutions to others
  5. Full time evangelist for anarchy


  1. Abstainee: You don’t vote and avoid paying many taxes.
  2. Saboteur: Your businesses only drain the state, no longer supporting it.
  3. Off Grid Master: You've completely taken back your life, have no ID etc.

Domicile Degrees


  1. Non-Anarchist landowner
  1. Anarchist landlord/land owner
  2. Landlord takes anarchist/agorist actions
  3. Landlord promotes anarchy
  4. Landlord hosts or interacts with anarchists
  5. Landlord devotes time and energy to individuals who are learning about anarchy
  6. Landlord devotes time, energy, and space to people who are learning about anarchy
  7. Anarchist Host
  8. Anarchist Hub
  9. Anarchist Haven


  1. No effort is made to redirect money towards agorist sources.
  2. Efforts are made to be conscious of economic decisions
  3. Goods are acquired on black and grey markets
  4. Household consumes anarchist goods
  5. Household produces anarchist goods
  6. Household mostly consumes anarchist goods
  7. Household uses commerce to introduce people to the network and anarchy

General Philosophy

  1. Entrenched in the state: All inhabitants support the state with all transactions.
  2. Leading the pack: Only one member (of many) supports agorism.
  3. Innovators: 2 or more members are agorists.
  4. Encouragers: One or more members support anarchist discussions or meetups
  5. Enablers: Rents space to anarchists
  6. Hosts: People are hosted and exposed to anarchy
  7. Hubs: Agorism flows through anarchist businesses or access points
  8. Havens: Group/s of anarchists live long term on property


  1. Household holds anarchist discussions/meetups
  2. All members of household are anarchists
  3. Household displays anarchist propaganda
  4. Household hosts those learning about anarchy
  5. Anarchist Hub
  6. Anarchist Haven


  1. Property taxes are not paid
  2. Property owner has acquired a land patent or other action against the state.
  3. Produce product that you can trade for food..
  4. Have or have access to a reliable garden in which to grow food
  5. Grow/hunt enough of your own food to sustain in an emergency
  6. Serious Prepper: Have an off grid way to sustain yourself (1+ years).
  7. Sage: You have all this and a backup plan



  1. Supports the state in the end
  2. Helps those involved create more anarchy
  3. Affects many anarchists
  4. Promotes other agorist business
  5. Sets up long term trade agreement
  6. Agreement enables an anarchist to further remove themselves from the system.


  1. Supports the state in the end
  2. Helps those involved create more anarchy
  3. Affects many anarchists
  4. Promotes other agorist business
  5. Sets up long term trade agreement
  6. Agreement enables an anarchist to further remove themselves from the system.


  1. Supports the state in the end
  2. Helps those involved create more anarchy
  3. Affects many anarchists
  4. Promotes other agorist business
  5. Sets up long term trade agreement
  6. Agreement enables an anarchist to further remove themselves from the system.


  1. Abstainee: You don’t vote and avoid paying many taxes.
  2. Off Grid Master: Youve completely taken back your life, have no ID etc.

Transaction Degrees

With a Statist

  1. Does not introduce to anarchy..
  2. Introduces the concept of anarchy for a second or subsequent time.
  3. Introduces the concept of anarchy for the first time.
  4. Brings into the network via association, land, caravan or commerce.

With an Anarchist

  1. Supports the state in the end
  2. Helps those involved create more anarchy 
  3. Affects many anarchists
  4. Promotes other agorist business
  5. Sets up long term trade agreement