

Who We Are

We Are Network Support

Applied Learning Grounds

You and the Network

Strategic Lifestyle Planning

Create Your Own Adventure

The Agora

Bounty Board




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Network Support

Who We Are
You and The Network
The Agora

Welcome to The Network

You’ve stumbled upon an unstoppable and actionable strategy for freedom.

Given we are all equal in rights, what is wrong for one is wrong for all. This basic truth applied consistently results in a world where all goods, services, Guilds, institutions, interactions, etc. are voluntary.

A moral principle or code must be universally applicable and unchanging. That said, many large institutions of this world seek to obfuscate and seduce us into accepting that some human beings get to act as if they have rights they do not. Because we have allowed our world to get to the current state of human emergency, a solution must be pioneered out of a life of subjugation through compulsory taxes and compulsory regulation.

Most are convinced that the rules of the game we call our current society are immutable. They believe that even if there are unjust laws, the only option is to obey and self-enforce those laws. This way of thinking is based in fear of the repercussions of acting outside of the boundaries of our current system. This fear is understandable when there is not a well-known tradition and pathway towards living a life unfettered by unjust laws.

Each individual is an owner in themselves and has the right to choose who they will and will not associate with, pay tribute to, or be subject to. This simple understanding constitutes the framework from which we have built our moral code of conduct. You cannot delegate rights you don't have. No individual nor group of individuals can decide for another person what they consent to. You do not have the right to enslave, rob, or murder another individual, but in this society, many pretend to delegate these "rights" none of us possess to individuals called "elected officials" and their enforcers called "police" and their monopolized injustice system.

Acknowledging these facts can cause complex emotions regarding the current state of the world. Unlike what we are led to believe, we are not powerless to change this world and our lives for the better. We choose to rally around a common cause as opposed to a common enemy. Freedom, to us, is not only about not being bound by the current monstrous systems. Freedom is also measured by the ability to conduct your consensual, voluntary affairs as you see fit without repercussions.

On an individual level, our lifestyle allows us to remove ourselves from many of the unnecessary taxes and regulations on our lives that most people suffer from, and our goal is to pioneer, provision access to, and foster a parallel network, a way of life, and counter-economy of morally-conscious individuals.

There are still countless voluntary paths and professions that are blocked by the current system. It should be easy and available for anyone to enter into a profession they desire, or to create an entirely new profession for themselves without unnecessary bloated restrictions, allowing for the free market to deliver goods and services based on consumer desires. There is a way forward, and we are the ones to create it.

What is the problem?

Why do we not have another option when it comes to where we get our food, goods, and numerous other services? Why is there not a huge supply of untaxed, unregulated grey and black market goods, with countless supply lines providing a robust and healthy market for those who wish to get their needs met through non-government channels? Other countries have this to varying degrees, but there has to be a reason why the "United States" has yet to provide this service.

The major reason why more farmers don’t work outside of the government system is fear. They have a healthy fear that they will be found and punished if they go against “the law” (aka “the lie”). Our mission is to make it possible for farmers, agorists, and anyone seeking to free themselves from taxes or regulations to sell without fear of government persecution.

There is a common perception that in order to be “doing agorism”, one has to be disconnected from social media and other forms of communication. We recognize the value of privacy and support those who wish to remain disconnected, but there is also great value in having a public-interfacing faction of the network aimed at growing and upgrading the network of individuals who recognize the true nature of the State and of all who seek to restrict the freedom to peacefully conduct oneself with other consenting individuals, the right to freedom of association, the right of self-defense, and the right to restitution for damages done to the person or property of the individual unless the damage was inflicted in self-defense.

There will have to be a group of people who are putting themselves on the line in order to grow the network. We are not trying to make a network that is insular and inaccessible to outsiders. We need to create something that is both safe and widespread, as the survival of the network relies on its dispersed nature, not on one branch becoming large and noticeable and thus susceptible to being torn down. This benefits the market and every individual in it as it is imperative to have multiple sources of goods and services to create resilient, decentralized, and redundant networks.

What is the solution?

Our solution is to create a decentralized network which will grow the freedom, wealth, and resiliency of everyone involved through the use of Agorism.

Right now, there is not a steady supply of goods available that doesn’t fund the tax system. This means that most farms and companies get licenses and follow regulations that cost them and their customers money in taxes that do not support the common person but that instead fund wars and other atrocities. 

We are creating an alternate path that every person can take to follow their calling. All vocations and professions are needed in this new realm. The thing that is missing currently is the guarantee that if one takes their business out of the current system, there will be certain and sufficient accessible demand for the agorist goods and services provided.

The demand does exist, but there is not an easy way to locate consumers. We are alleviating this by using our lives to create connections between consumers and producers and free marketplaces for them to do business in.

Similarly, those who would seek goods and services do not have a clear-cut way to find them at a competitive or even comparable value to what is available through the current compulsory system.

Decentralization is imperative. One of the results of decentralization is that no one person is spearheading the movement. Any one farmer doesn’t have to grow their operation to the extent that they become a target.

Decentralization means that there is not a monopoly over the food supply. Rather, there are countless sources of goods and services available. Having more sources provides a contingency plan for if anything happens to one or more supply lines. More sources allow for individuals to have more choices between products and they are able to choose based on the business practices of those that produce them.

Our Current Contributions:

This is how a nomadic caravan's contribution will look:

  • One or more full time traveling caravans are formed.
  • A caravan sets up a pop-up agorist marketplace on the outskirts of a city for approximately one month at a time.
  • People from the caravan enter the city and spread the word through a variety of networking and advertising techniques about the alternate marketplace and offer opportunities for alternative ways of living. This is not unlike setting up camp on the outskirts of an enemy-occupied and controlled city, town, or village you wish to wage economic war with.
  • The caravan leaves behind a full-time group committed to holding marketplaces and helping those in the city transition into a full-time agorist lifestyle.


An example of a nomadic agorist network is Camp CaravAnarchy, a traveling nomadic agorist caravan that focuses on making business and social networks with people seeking to bring about a more free way of living for themselves and others.

Chew’s Wisely Ice Cream and Pizza

Our “Ice Cream Philosophy” is that we strive to bring to market the finest quality Homemade Ice Cream products, sourcing ingredients from as many agorist sources as possible, sourcing only the highest quality ingredients.  If you want access to the best Ice Cream this reality has to offer, you have to go through the agorist market.

The Market Circuit

We are creating a perpetual free market that will provide a safe space for people to buy and sell agorist goods without fear of the government. We travel from town to town, setting up in BLM land, staying for a month or more at a time, and from time to time venturing to private campgrounds for freedom-respecting festivals.

We don’t need to convince more people that this way of living is viable. There are already enough people who have seen the vision of how a free and voluntary society would work - if every one of them started living their life in this new way, we would make a big enough impact to gain the attention of the rest of the world. This is not another intentional community. This is a strategy towards creating freedom for all that can be adopted by every person immediately. There is no central location or leader that can be taken down. Like an idea, it can only spread.

The True Realm is HERE!


The following is an overview of this website with a link to each section.


The Network

What is the Problem?

Our Current Contributions

Freedom, in This Lifetime

Making The Switch

Real Solutions

What will Success Look Like?

The Purpose of This Book

How to Utilize This Guide

Get Involved Today

Freedom, in This Lifetime

You do not need to try to create the new paradigm from scratch in your current location or local community. To bring about the best of all possible worlds, where everyone has access to a free and fulfilling way of life, you must find those who already agree with your values and vision no matter where they might reside. Instead of trying to influence a lifestyle change in those still resistant to the idea of protected free communities, you can combine your efforts with those who share your intentions and who already see the vision of what is possible in this lifetime. 

You could spend a lifetime trying to persuade others to see the vision themselves and then to become active in changing their own lives. But there is a quicker way to achieve freedom. Network with people who already understand that freedom from the existing lies, taxes, and restrictions on peaceful activity is needed, and grow resilient trade networks with those individuals toward that shared goal. This is called agorism, and this website is a guide to creating this in your own life.

Though some people have the drive and desire to be leaders at the forefront of a dispersed community that values and protects their freedom to peacefully interact and transact without repercussions, we can’t wait for those people to come out of the woodwork to begin creating a new free way of living. Word of mouth takes time to propagate. Most people can’t be expected to change when there isn’t an obvious and well-worn path towards a new way of living. 

Creating a new world will require a relatively small dispersed group of people who not only are interested in a new world but who are prepared to take action in their lives to create an alternate network of agorists aimed at creating this ecosystem for each other, replacing streams of resources from the exploitative system with the networked goods and services of protected free markets. This does not mean an end to the importation and production of goods, but simply to better sources of them. Sources that do not, for example, fund the war machine, enslavement, and mass incarceration of human beings. 

Until this alternative network becomes more ubiquitous, it will be hard for individuals to abandon their current lifestyle and transfer all their income and expenditures over to these free and ethical sources. There are already people spread out across the country and world who are prepared to make that shift in a way that creates more opportunities for everyone seeking a free way of life.

The larger community is made up of individuals who have the skills and knowledge necessary to support one another. What support does the individual need from a network? Every good or service you spend money on can be re-sourced. Medical care, insurance, gasoline, jobs, and education to name a few. Everything that drives the world today can be provided in a better way by the community.

Making The Switch

We do not need to escape this world. We have everything we need here to create the next phase of existence. This is the world that, in time, becomes the ideal world for each individual. How can each person have their own ideal coexisting with every other person’s ideal, simultaneously? The answer is voluntary pluralism.

To get a more concise and potent result, we are more concise with our parameters. We are not judging those who do not follow these parameters, but we are making a distinction within our own decisions to do business with others who are actively creating more freedom for others instead of creating only a space for themselves to temporarily reduce their own oppression while doing little to manifest or support protected free markets.

We believe in real solutions, right now!

We do not want to spend our lives working for other people’s goals while doing nothing or very little toward what we are in this realm to achieve, which has nothing to do with slaving away for money.

This is a guide to the establishment of a society that is independent, interconnected, and free from coercion. Today, we have everything we need to circumvent the state entirely. Communities small and large are already flourishing all around the world, and what is lacking in the common lore is a larger and more liberating story we can all manifest into reality. 

The next sections will address the following:

  1. People don’t see an option
  2. We are creating an option
  3. You can create an option

Understanding what is possible will lead to a more extensive awareness and empowered utilization of these communities, both with each other and by those still more entrenched in the slave society.

What will success look like?

The worst evil is people still believing and perpetuating the lie that their neighbors must be controlled by the government. No individual or group of individuals can possess authority, or “the right to rule”, over others. You own your self and 100% of the fruits of your time and labor, which can be thought of as an extension of yourself on this planet.

Our plan is to provide people with options to transfer their work and living situations into a new realm or state of existence where they are not bound by government systems of control.

Your way of living should be an act of rebellion that helps make people’s choice for freedom a no-brainer.

We have a method to support and bolster the supply of goods and services by providing an ever-growing supply and demand for these resources. This is accomplished through intentional networking and establishing trade relationships and contracts with individuals who share our aim of bringing about the best of all possible worlds by making the world more free for others. We also aim to minimize if not eliminate altogether the number of fiscal transactions we engage in with unknown or unvetted individuals, especially those who haven’t demonstrated a desire to be free from the taxes and regulations imposed on them by the State.

There are many ways in which this plan is unique to any we have seen so far. The unique attributes of our plan provide a strength and resilience that helps it transcend the pitfalls of other initiatives and businesses. Unlike a proposal that requires massive funding to get off the ground, we already have much of the infrastructure needed in place. All that is needed is to transition businesses that are funding the tax system into the new, free realm. There are no extra start up costs to create a business in the network - no fancy degrees or licenses are needed. Vending, selling, trading, and providing your good or service is free of compulsory licensure or fees. This initiative is aimed at people who are already trying to make a living and who already have resources invested in themselves and could benefit from shifting their business towards a tax-free network that will provide them with opportunities for growth, a greater sense of purpose and connection with their customers, and lasting prosperity.

What we are describing is a lifestyle and resource-allocation strategy. The more people are empowered by these strategies, the stronger they become and the more everyone involved benefits. The success of the network is not tied to any individual’s success. We (Caravanarchy) identify as “network support”. Others can replace our role should some tragedy befall our specific wing of support.  

Success looks like a network that can provide people with what they need to make their lives better in the absence of compulsory fees or restrictions getting between suppliers and customers. This results in alternate income streams, careers, training, and education. A multitude of options of superior value become available from this strategy when it comes to food, supplies, and services. Alternate healthcare, insurance, arbitration as well as alternate entertainment venues and community meeting spaces become available to more individuals as the network grows.

We are creating this guidebook and an online presence that will do much more to help those specific individuals who want to make a change and commit to these endeavors in a way that makes a difference. Join us in creating a world immune from institutionalized tyranny!

The Purpose of this Guide

This is a guide outlining the scope of what is possible in the next 1-10 years. This is not a guide on how to create a voluntaryist society starting where you are with only the resources present in your local community.

Spreading freedom (and a voluntaryist society) requires that you first take care of your personal need for autonomy and freedom. It will also require intentional choices aimed at both starving and bleeding our primary enemy (the State) of resources and power while supporting and bolstering your allies and friends in freedom.

The first step is to ascertain whether relocation or nomadic living might be the most lucrative way to achieve your short-term goals while transitioning out of the non-agorist system (What is Agorism?). There are locations available for short or long-term living rent and work-free while you detox from society or re-evaluate your goals. These are voluntary spaces, both nomadic and stationary, which take shape depending on the unanimous consent of the people who reside there.

We seek these spaces out on our journeys, so that everywhere we go, we can direct you to them. As time progresses, these spaces will transform. For example, a property with no development on it can be used to sustain people who just need a place to stay. If multiple people live there, the cost of living can be very small because you only need one vehicle to get food and water. Working together, we can use free and natural materials to build shelters. These properties can produce exports that nomadic travelers can sell for them along their travels.

If you would like to open up a space for this purpose, let us know.

How to Utilize this Guide

Some say that a better future starts with an internal change - that you must start with yourself to make the world a better place. We don’t think one person’s actions alone are enough to create change at the scale needed to achieve our objective. In order to extend your range of influence and exercise your power to create change, you need to skip trying to change other people’s minds and instead connect to others who already see the way forward to make a change.

Networking with other freedom-seekers and expanding your social circles and trade options is the most effective way of creating the best of all possible worlds. We know this is the way to create the best of all possible worlds because it permits everyone to choose how to spend their time and resources without third parties imposing themselves on their free-will choices. You can’t change someone’s mind or make them advance spiritually or mentally in a way they are not ready to. But you can give people a better option to spend their hard earned resources and time on. This enables them to have more resources to pursue what makes them truly happy while also assuring themselves a better future.

This entire endeavor is focused on real solutions and pulling anarchists out of the current paradigm and placing them in the situations they need, regardless of the resources or money they have amassed as of yet in the zombie system. It’s not too hard to opt-out if you have enough support. This network is providing the extra support needed by those who don’t already have a group of individuals bolstering their efforts to bring about a free and thriving existence for themselves and others.

How You Can Spread Freedom

We support people in translating their lifestyle away from the tax system and into the network. In order to fully detach, you must reclaim your income, housing, business and expenditures. There are many resources on this site to help you transition into a new life. You can start here or keep reading to get the full picture.

If you are not ready to transition in one or more of these areas, you can still spread freedom where you are by employing the following strategies.

This also applies to individuals who do not want to leave their current area but still wants to grow the network around them.

Freedom Through Goods and Services

If you want to spread freedom in your area, start by identifying a need people have for a good or service and find someone who is willing to meet that need. Work with that person to create a model where they are able to produce a good or provide a service at a cost and value that is comparable to the market rate but without funding or complying with the state in any way.

Freedom Through Housing

Find ways of circumventing the state through providing tax-free shelter for those who are also actively trying to create and grow the network. The easiest way to do this is to create a caravan outside of a city or town where the caravan members support each other in taking advantage of the amenities of the city or town. Members can earn income remotely or through interactions with the people of the town.

You can also create an inner-city or outer-city outpost to support visiting caravans and provide a way out for people still stuck in the system.

A third option would be to become a Network Host and help those trying to gain a new position in the network.

Grow Your Network

The most effective way to grow your network is to find people both local and remote to collaborate with on creating new offerings in the network.

To find these contacts, you can search within the network via the options on this page:

Connections Page

To source new contacts in your area, spread word of the network with those you meet. Identify others who are looking for ways to be more free. This includes both friends in freedom and trusted individuals who are both trade and social contacts.

You can also create meetups and marketspaces to discuss options, form and execute plans, and conduct trade with those who attend. If nomadic, such spaces should be created when possible, or you can locate a preexisting space near you to make contact and trade with others in the network. If stationary, the aim is to have a regular network meeting and market space available near you.

Keeping the Money in the Network

If you want to trade or give, put your resources into people who will make us all more free. When you provide goods or services to others, what does your energy and time result in? Does it go into a network whose growth directly helps and protects you, or do your efforts end up funding the state down the line?

To answer the above question, it is imperative that you consider your business contacts and customer base. When those you work and do business with go back into their lives, are they using the energy produced by your trade to create more freedom for others? Or are they spending their time working within the confines of the State, bleeding their energy into its evil machinery through their income, housing and other interactions?

When choosing who to sell to or buy from, ask yourself:
"Who is going to be a targeted missile directed towards what I would like to achieve?"

It makes more sense to provide goods and services to people who are keeping their energy inside the network so that the wealth and prosperity we all share can be multiplied instead of pilfered away into the enemy’s reserves.

When we work within the private realm and don’t spend our resources on government licenses and taxes, there are more resources concentrated within the Network of freedom-bringers. This brings the price for Network goods down, making them more accessible and allows them a competitive advantage over the Matrix market. Networks can provide these high-value goods and services to those still stuck in the Matrix, introducing them to the abundance of the Network without requiring them to understand the philosophy. This results in stronger, larger agorist networks and market opportunities.


Everything you do is effort and resources. Nothing you possess has been received free from effort.

Be discerning when you offer help to someone. It does the most good to help people who are using their life to achieve the greatest good, which is making the world more free for themselves and others.

It’s too much of a risk to spend money or give to charity when you cannot ensure it won’t bleed back into the State. This includes giving to individuals who aren’t making the world more free for others. If you give to someone without knowing what that person is doing with their resources, you are saying “I don’t matter. My time doesn’t matter and my efforts are for nothing”. Money can be thought of as a source of potential energy, and you get to choose toward what potential that energy will support.

You only have one moment, and endless options for where to put your time, energy and resources. If you want to grow a network that will become prosperous and protect your future, support those whose actions lead towards freedom and prosperity for all instead of towards making themselves more comfortable within a cage.

Everyone you give to can be seen as a river of potential. If you toss resources into a river, throw them into one that leads to freedom for others instead of towards apathy and inaction.

Vote with your wallet. Create the world you want to see. It doesn’t help in our economic war against the State to give energy or resources to people who aren’t trying to make the world more free for others. There are people who want a better option and who see that there is a need to put their money into a network that ensures the safety of their person, property, and freedom. The Network provides them with an option that they desperately need. This is a network that is able to protect their physical security and the products of their labor in a way that is missing in the current paradigm.

How Not to Create Change

Needless Division

Do not discriminate against people unless they are working to reduce human freedom. If you have a different opinion than someone, look at whether their opinion requires others to lose their freedom. If you are not sure, ask them directly where they draw their line between what they will or won't allow from those who think differently from them. Do they believe people who think differently should be free to take different actions and fund different initiatives, abstaining from what is dictated by their opinion?

How Many People Are Ready for This?

If you are worried about the number of people who already want a change, we have a few examples for you to consider.

Consider the unvaccinated. There is a misconception among those who supported the jab that people who did not want to get vaccinated are conservative or Trumpers. That is not the case. There are plenty of conservatives who took the jab and Trump was the president that pushed them to do it.

Instead, be heartened by the fact that these are people who have now seen how far the government will go to restrict people from their jobs, hospitals, traveling, and gathering together. These people see the need to have a network of people to protect and provide solutions in a situation where people are barred from buying food in a supermarket or entering businesses or common spaces without complying in some way.

Get Involved Today

For those who want to get involved but don’t know how that would look, joining a network-connected caravan is the most immediate form of aid.

CaravAnarchy is the first caravan of this kind that we are aware of, although others have employed various aspects of it. We have 4 vehicles and the mobile camping infrastructure setup available so we can share the options available to us from having access to tools and infrastructure to support a loose, slow-moving caravan with the aim of ending slavery today through education, bolstering and establishing agorism and encouraging the connection between new and already made alternative networks. We offer immediate access to a free way of living and exploring what it means to exist and grow in the most authentic and empowered expression of yourself.

We aim to engage in agorist business and networking in the towns and cities we travel through. Presently, CaravAnarchy funds itself through donations and through multiple agorist business options we are equipped to employ. The aim is to create a marketplace every time we get to a new location, at which people in the nearby area can conduct their commerce in a safe and flourishing space. As traveling nomads, CaravAnarchy’s members do not share in the same debt-based lifestyle as most stationary peoples. This means members require fewer resources to sustain a happy, flourishing, and growth-based way of life with an abundance of time at your disposal.

Links to Businesses

Business Card

Next Chapter: The Network